Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rio Hondo and now, Antigua

Hello All-
On the way back from Belize we stayed in Rio Hondo near the water park, which was closed because it was Monday/Tuesday. The hotel had a pool which we lazed around for a day before coming to Antigua yesterday. We are staying at La Casa Amarilla hostel, where a towel for a shower costs 5Q. Ha! The climate here is much cooler and we are spending the day walking around and there is a huge market, so Rose is in heaven. We will be here about 3-4 more days. We are thinking about climbing a volcano tomorrow. -Mom
We have been on a lot of busses lately and I'm glad we're staying put for a while. We are going to stay here a few more days and I am not looking forward to the volcano tour. There was a gecko and a whole bunch of bugs at the pool place. There was about a bajillion of them and I'm so glad we're gone from there. I got to have ramen for dinner last night. Yeah!!!-Rose


  1. Rose,
    Is Ramen part of the local cuisine? Glad your having a relaxing fun time...ready for your week of school yet? Kids are having a fun and water-logged summer! We miss you. Dog kisses from Jasmine.

  2. Hi Girls. Bummer the water park was closed the first day, maybe you'll be around there long enough to get to go another day. Grandma is down baby sitting Kailee, Nate, and Jasmine this afternoon. We are all missing you guys here, but hope you are having fun! G&G

  3. Gals,
    We have bugs....the hermit crabs have bugs to be more exact. Tiny white bugs in the water and all over the ground cover stuff. We are going to PetSmart today to ask what the solution is...and probably buy some new ground cover stuff. Just an FYI...Jazzy is with G&G for a few days....figured she could use a little break from the "love". Talk soon, Lis

  4. Jasmine Travelogue -

    7/16 - Traveled by Grandma Bus (not Chicken Bus) north from Arvada. Went through scenic Louisville, or Lafayette, where cousin Nate was born. Also went through Longmont, and decided I didn't leave anything there that wold make me want to go back. I longingly looked at every drive-thru, but the bus driver didn't get the hint and stop for something to eat. Now I'm here at the G&G Spa and Resort where anything goes. Grandpa still eats every hour or so, though I don't see much of Grandma, she seems to stay downstairs a lot. I don't go down there, it seems somewhat "beneath" me. It is awfully quiet here though, not nearly as much action as the last B&B I stayed at. And...I hear that last place had crabs. Enjoying myself, and waiting for Mom and Rose to return. - Jaz

  5. Lis-
    We've never had little white bugs before so I don't know what they are, but after you buy the new coconut husk stuff and disolve it in some water (There is some in the garage at the bottom of the stairs in the fishtank box, if you can find it)--I usually boil water and boil all the stuff you're going to put back in the tank (which doesn't have to be everything) for a minute or two. the only thing you can't boil are the crabs (although that would solve the problem for sure) but you can rinse them with lots of water, they can be hold their breath for maybe 5 minutes.
    G&G- Thanks for the travelogue--Rose likes to hear about Jasmine. I'm sure she likes anywhere there is a lap for her and someone willing to sit long enough to enjoy it.
