Monday, July 27, 2009

HOT...HOT...AND MORE HOT in Monterrico

Hello All-
We went out to the Tortugario and weren´t all that impressed enough to stay for a week. We are both sweating sitting in the shade. All the volunteers get to do is go out at night and walk the beach looking for sea turtles. They have some eggs buried in the nursery, but none close to hatching--we would have to come not much work to do. We are going for a night walk on the beach to look for turtles tonight with a guide. The waves on this side of Guatemala are HUGE: a kid died here a few days ago--but we just stand in the surf anyway, it´s much too violent to swim. We decided to go back to Antigua tomorrow and see if we can go to Semuc Champey for a few days before we come back...and maybe Chichicastenango for Market Day. Write more later. Love to all--Mom and Rose


  1. What! No turtles to save...bummer. Off to another adventure then! We are all still trying to get better here....hopefully fully recovered by y our return! Miss you , Lis

  2. Hi
    You must have all the heat -- it's already starting to cool off here been raining off and on and been in the 50-60 in am and up to 70-80's in pm. We do need rain and Jazzy likes the cooler weather although she does not like the wet grass. She is still at our house as the kids are still quarantined at there house. Don't want grandpa to catch it. Jazzy still not interested in going downstairs but likes to sit in the chair by grandpa--just in case he should eat. She went to the dump with us Monday and just like the drive-in at your house they give out bones. She liked that. Have fun--these weeks have gone so fast I'm sure faster for you. Miss you--Love you--G&G

  3. Shel & Rose,
    Hope you had a good trip and an exciting turtle hunt! Make sure to get me the details of your return trip....not sure of the exact time...airlines....etc.
