Saturday, July 18, 2009

Antigua, Guatemala

Hello All--
We are in the colonial city of Antigua, which used to be the capital of Guatemala. Yesterday we went to a hot springs pool (no fish) which was very clean and was pretty warm to swim in. Today we went to a museum in Jocotenango to see how coffee is made. It was a great guided tour and also had a part dedicated to musical instruments and customs of the Mayan people here. Rose is mostly enjoying the market here. She has bought tons of things and is really practicing her bartering skills. She loves it here in Antigua (mostly because there is a McDonals, Burger King and Subway) because she loves to look at all the things she wants to buy. Since we've gotten here she was probably spent $400Q and is starting to dip into her savings account now. Tomorrow we are headed up to San Pedro on Lake Atitlan to see the people we stayed with last time. We still haven't been able to reach them--although we did send them their package through Guatemala Fedex when we got here. Rose is upstairs listening to Harry Potter--so sorry no witty commentary today!! Missing everyone! Kiss JAZ for us. ---Mom

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Jasmine is fine--she is keeping guard over grandpa in the office. Neither one comes out very often. I think she misses all the action -- believe it or not. Been hot and dry this week. Think summer has finally found us.
    Love G&G
