Thursday, June 9, 2011

Snorkeling and Dolphin Watching in Puerto Viejo

Hello All---
We are really HOT here in Puerto Viejo and it is very humid.  Today we went snorkeling and dolphin watching with a couple from here.  They took us out in their boat with just 2 other people and we went on a nature hike and saw dolphins right up next to the boat.  The coral here is not as pretty as Belize, but we saw plenty of fish.  Tomorrow we are going to another beach to try it out on our own.

Did we mention that it is HOOOOOT here!


  1. So did you swim with the dolphins?? Awesome picture. Underwater camera take some great pics. Can't wait to see more!!It was 96 here on Mon & Tues. Yesterday and today 58. Just a slight change!!

  2. It's illegal to swim with them here. We could only watch them from the boat. But we did see them up close. Rose wants to snorkel again so will probably do again today. We feel your pain with the heat but you can sent some of that 58 stuff our way. Even my hair sweats and of course no relief at night.

  3. How cool is that!! I would love to see the dolphins up close. Just love seeing where you've been and what you're up to.
    We need to see more pictures!! Bev and Grant

  4. So did the dolphins pay attention to you?? :) Jenna
