Thursday, June 23, 2011

                         This is us today canoeing.(sorry about the spelling) Our arms will hurt tomorrow!!!! :)

        This is the Magic flower. It looks like a long skinny fruit and when you shake it, it opens into a flower.

We went to the Masaya Volcano Crater and 5 other volcanoes in another really old giant one. So a long time ago there was a big huge volcano that blew up. Now in the middle is 5 other craters inside it that blew up. That's the best I can describe it.

So the plan for tomorrow is to go to this lake named Apoyo and go swimming there!!! Sounds like lots of fun!! :)

- Rosie (and Mom!)


  1. I am so jealous of your big adventure!!

  2. Looks like your having more fun!!! Interesting flower!!
    You look a bit hot.... I've only got 1/2 day left of my workshop
    then heading home.

  3. Sounds like you've been moving around a lot. rapids, poison spiders or snakes in that water, where is the excitement in that? Interesting about the flower changing like that. Have fun,
    Jasmine, Grandma (still tired), and Grandpa

  4. Shel & Rosie... you are creating memories that will last a lifetime! Thank you for sharing with the rest of us. It's inspiring. P.S. I LOVE THAT 'GRANDMA' JOINED YOU for a bit of the trip!
