Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weaving and Spanish School

Hello All-
Yesterday was our first day of classes and all went well. Rose seemed to be talking to her teacher a lot and laughing. My teacher is a 5th grade teacher during the day in San Pedro. All morning we have been weaving placemats with a little old lady here. Today Rose started really weaving as the preparation process takes a long time and a lot of string. It is really interesting to find out how to weave as we see ladies doing it here all day. It gives us more of an appreciation for how hard it really is. Although I think most of the things we buy are made on a machine, some of them are hand-made. My teacher and I are talking a lot and it is great practice for me and she is very nice. --Mom
Yesterday we weaved and then we went to school. My teachers name is Rose and she taught me how to count up to 9,999. We are learning verbs today. She even gave me homework. I had to write 21 sentences, 1 for each of the verbs. Today we went weaving in the morning and I am forther along than mom. My colors are teal, white, pink and blue. Moms are pink, purple, black and pink and black mixed one. I think mine is going well and looks good. We are headed off to school now and I will talk to you later. --Rose


  1. 9,999!!! Is that so you can count all your quatzales or how many you have spent?? Homework already--your getting into practice for school starting already. Jaz is fine -- she's bored here at G&G. Kailee is sick so we'll probably have her for a little longer. Don't tell her but I think Lissie has her hands full at the moment.
    Have fun at school and learn a lot. Much more interesting to learn that way then at school I'm sure.
    Love ya/MIss ya G&G

  2. What is wrong with Kailee? Hope she is feeling better. Jasmine likes being bored, I think if she could, she would sleep on your lap all day. We are looking forward to finishing our project as it gets a little tedious. Rose had more homework last night and is studying hard.

  3. Kailee has some kind of summer kid virus...Nate has the same...but no pink eye....today Brian is at home sick....crossing my fingers. Hopefully no one else gets pink eye....not sure I could hold brian down to get the drops in!
    DEATH NOTICE: One hermit crab has expired. COD: unknown Date: July 21, 2009 TOD: 3:00pm All other inhabitants...alive, well and scared to death from all the banging on the tank! :)

  4. I can count to 10 in spanish. You've got me beat Rose!!
    Not much happening here...
    Dave & I are going to Washington DC on Sunday. We are off to see the Pres!!!! Weather here has been cool for a SD summer.
    Keep up the studies!!! soon you and your mom can converse in Espanol!!
