Sunday, July 12, 2009


Yesterday we went snorkeling. We went to an island that was pretty much just a tree. We went snorkeling and found lots of little fishes and they were sardines. They were like 3 inches long and got to hold a sea urchin that was red and wasn't poisonous. We got to hold a starfish and when he took it off our hand we could feel the suction cups and that was cool. We saw angelfish that were 8 inches long. We wore flippers and had to walk backwards so they don't flip you over. Then we went to his island that his dad left for him. He built a shack on it and had lunch. We had vegetable plantain rice and chicken, cole slaw and watermelon. The cole slaw was better than KFC. Then we went snorkeling there and we saw more angelfish and more sardines, a dorie fish, striped fish, common sea fans, brain coral, finger coral and sea rods. While we were swimming along a little yellow jack followed under us while we were snorkeling like the whole time. We saw some starfish there too. The guy was pointing to something and I couldn't see it and he said he was going to touch it. When he touched it a nurse shark came right up underneath me and it was like as big as me. I screamed through my snorkel because I was so scared but I got over it. But it was really big. We saw more fishes and then we came back in his boat and went back to the hotel. Wow! What a day! -----Rose
We had to move from our hotel today because they had a big group coming in--so we are staying at the Cozy Corner Hotel for tonight and then heading back to Guatemala. The weather is not very good today--very rainy and windy--but it is pretty cool. I was really impressed with Rose and her snorkeling, she did a great job. I didn't know that we were going to see a shark so that was kind of a surprise for me too. The guy was very knowledgeable about snorkeling and the ocean and we learned a lot about the ecosystem. Hope all is well at home. --Michele


  1. have he wanting to go snokeling right now!
    Kailee got a shark for our fish tank too! Hope you don't have any flashbacks when you see our rainbow shark.."her name is Sarah and she's a girl".

  2. Wow, shark...that is very cool. Sounds like you had a good time snorkeling. There is a new Harry Potter movie out Wednesday, when you get home I think we should all go.

    Shelly, Grandma wants you to check your email.


  3. Hey,Hey GG,
    Sounds like snorkeling was a blast. Just wait until you see those big
    turtles lay eggs!!! 100 at a time!!!
    Enjoy, Katie

  4. Everyone doing well....all 3 crabs accounted for and Jazzy is doing great (zero accidents). Think Jazzy is missing the lap time.....and Rose!
    Love you guys,

  5. Sounds like you are having a great adventure. Where are the pictures?

  6. you probably don't know who m.o.m is - well I could keep you guessing but it's betty.

  7. Rose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess What Tina was on Americas Got Talent last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shes going to VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
